Special Notice :
  • The Dharmarajika Trust Foundation To meet the needs of the orphans, poor and destitutes who are residing at Dharmarajika Orphanage. |
  • The Dharmarajika Trust Foundation To impart higher education to the inmates of the Orphanage so that they can build-up their future lives through self-dependency. |
  • The Dharmarajika Trust Foundation To provide Food, Shelter, Clothes, Health Services and education of the inmates of the Orphanage.

Continuation of Dharmarajika Trust Foundation

Article 1.     Name : The Foundation will be known as "Dharmarajika Trust Foundation" (D.T.F)
Article 2.
    Head Quarters : The Head Quarter of the Foundation will be situated at Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery , Atish Dipankar Sarak,P.O Basabo, P.S. Sabujbag, Dhaka- 1214, Bangladesh. In case of necessity Branch Offices may be opened in any part of Bangladesh.
Article 3.
    Area : The activities of the Trust Foundation Will be covered all over Bangladesh.
Article 4.
    Symbol : The Logo of Bangladesh Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha will be the Symbol of the Trust Foundation.
Article 5.
    Aim : Humanitarian Services.
Article 6.     Objects :
a) To meet the needs of the orphans,poor and destitutes who are residing at Dharmarajika Orphanage.
        b) To impart higher education to the inmates of the Orphanage so that they can build-up their future lives through self – dependency.
        c) To provide Food, Shelter, Clothes, Health Services And Education of the inmates of the Orphanage.
        d) To Provide Fund to the Buddhist Monasteries and other Buddhist Religious Institutions.
        e) To establish a permanent scholarship fund for awarding stipend and scholarship to the poor and meritorious students of the Schools, Colleges and Universities or any other traditional Institution of Bangladesh by arranging an competitive examination for selecting the awardees.
        f) To organize Seminars , Symposiums and Conferences at national and international level to promote the teachings of Lord Buddha, peace and harmony.
        g) To foster a spirit of Fellowship, Co-operation, Friendship and Goodwill between all religions of Bangladesh.
Article 7.     Managment : The D.T.F . will be managed by a Trust Committee consisting of not less thsn 5(five) Members and not more than 7 (seven) members.
The Members of the Foundation be nominated by H.H Sanghanayaka Suddhananda Mahathero, President, Bangladesh Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sangha as Author.
Article 8.     Formation of the Committee :
The Committee will consist of the following position :-
a) Chairman of the Trust Foundation
b) Trustee Member
c) Trustee Member
d) Trustee Member
f) Trustee & Member Secretary of the Trust Foundation
g) Trustee Member
Article 9.     Power :
Chairman : The Chairman will preside over the meetings. All correspondences and communications will be made by the Chairman. He will lead The Trust Foundation when-ever and where-ever it is needed. He will finalise the program of the Foundation. In case of any division the decision of the Chairman will be final.

Trustee : Trustees will assist the Chairman and Member Secretary during their tenure in performing the standing programs of the Trust Foundation . They will give opinion on the agenda placed in the Meeting. They will help and assist the Trust Foundation Committee for its proper function.

Trustee & Member Secretary : Trustee & Member Secretary will convene the meeting of the Trust Foundation in consulting with the Chairman. All necessary correspondences and communications will also be made by Member Secretary on behalf of the Chairman.

He will keep the proceedings of the meeting and also maintain all files and will keep proper accounts and make payment with proper books and vouchers through office assistants . He will submit yearly accounts with proper audit.

As per instruction of the Chairman he will represent the Trust Foundation.

Article 10.
  :   Accounts
Bank Accounts :-
a) Fixed Deposit Account in the name of Dharmarajika Trust Foundation will be opened in any scheduled bank in Bangladesh.
b) A Savings Account in the name of Dharmarajika Trust Foundation will be opened in any scheduled bank of Bangladesh Where interest of the FDRs will auto transfer. And from the such savings account money will be withdrawn whenever necessary to materialize the program as per proposal adopted by the Trust Foundation.
Bank Account Operation
: All FDRs and Savings Account will be opened in the name of Dharmarajika Trust Foundation which will be operated by the Chairman And Trustee & Member Secretary jointly.
Article 11.
    Audit of Accounts : The Trust Management Committee will appoint the Audit Firm for auditing the accounts of the trust Foundation in Every fiscal year. The time of the Fiscal Year will be July - June.
Article 12.
    Duration of the Managing Committee :
The duration of the Trust Management Committee will be for 5 (five)years. After completion of 5 (five) years tenure new Trust Management Committee will be formed as per article 7 of the Consitution.In case of vacancy due to death or incapacity or resignation from the Trustee Board,the vacancy shall be filled-up according to the majority members decision of the Trust Management Committee.
Article 13.
    Notice of the Meeting :
At least 7 (seven) days notice of the meeting of the Trust Management Committee specifying the date, place, Time and agenda shall have to be served to the Members Emergent meeting notice can be serve before 2 days of the Meeting.
Article 14.       Cessation of Membership : A Trustee Member of the DTF ceases to a member Of the DTF if
a) Resigns from the Membership;
b) Expelled from the Membership;
c) Remain from the Membership;
d) Be insane;
e) Over- burden with debt;
Article 15.     Funds :
a) Authors money/ property
b) Donation from the generous personalities of Home and Abroad
c) From the interest of the FDRs
D) From Donation/offering Boxes
Article 16.     Expenditure of the Trust Foundation
Expenditures will be met-up from the interest money of the FDRs of the FDRs.
Article 17.     Dissolution of the Committee
The Trust Management Committee will be Dissolved after the end of the tenure. In case of emergency the tenure of the Committee may be extended for 6 (six) months with the decision of the Committee meeting.
Article 18.       Registration
The Dharmarajika Trust Foundation will be registered with the Registration Authority as per rules and regulations.
Article 19.     Amendment of Rules
The aims and objects and rules of the Constitution may be Amended by the 2/3rd majority of the Trust Members be Adopted as a resolution in a meeting.
Article 20.     Members Liabilities
Members of the D.T.F shall not be liable to contribute Towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of. D.T.F.
Article 21.
  :   Special power
If any rules or regulations or any explanation is not Incorporated in the Constitution. The Author of the Power to promulgate Rules and regulations for the Benefit of Dharmarajika Trust Foundation.

This Deed of Dharmarajika Trust Foundation is made on the 17 th day of February, 2013.

WHEREAS the author of the trust is the absolute owner of the money and the property as described in the schedule hereto annexed.

AND WHEREAS the author of the trust is desirous of creating a trust Foundation to ascertain the proper needs of the orphans and destitute residing at Dharmarajika Orphanage Such as fooding lodging, clothing, health and education and to impart higher education to the inmates so that they can establish in their own lives through self dependency. The name and style of the trust will be Known as DHARMARAJIKA TRUST .

The office of the DHARMARAJIKA TRUST FOUNDATION shall be situated at the premises of Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery Atish Dipankar Sarak , Post Office – Basabo, Police Station – Sabujbag District – Dhaka 1214 Bangladesh.

AND WHEREAS the author of the trust has proposed and declared his confidence in the board of trustees in respect of the trust fund as mentioned in the schedule. The Trust Foundation will be managed by the board of trustee/ “Trustees” consisting of 7 (seven) members as will be appointed by the Author of the Foundation and their term will be for a period of 5 (Five) Years. After expiry of that period the Author may appoint the new Trustees with the prior consultation of standing Trust Board..

AND WHEREAS the Trustee/ trustees above named has / have accepted the said confidence and are willing to be invested with the ownership of the property or trust money and have agreed to fulfill the object of the trust under the direction set herein so as to give effect to the wishes of the author of the trust in respect of trust property/ money.

1. That the Author of the trust as owner of the trust money/ property Mentioned in the schedule annexed hereto conveys transfers and grants up to the trustee all or every such money and property mentioned in the schedule to have and to be held the same in trust for the objects of the trust to be used and appropriated by the trustees if the said trust in order to carry or / and fulfill and said objects in accordance with the direction of the author so far as the same extend and the trust hereby relinquishes for all times any claim to or interest in the said money or property.

2. That the Board of trustees shall receive and hold in trust all money and property received.

3. That objects of the Trust are as follows:-
a) To ascertain the proper needs of the orphans and the destitute residing at Dharmarajika such as education, food, clothes, health, accommodation and to impart higher education to the inmates that they can establish in their own lives through self-depen dency.
b) To open run and continue a permanent scholarship scheme every year to the poor and meritorious student. Irrespective of sex, cast and creed of the school , college and university or any other educational institution of all or any part of Bangladesh.
c) To arrange and manage competitive examination for selecting for selecting suitable candidates on the basis of merit.
d) To provide fund to the monastery,temple and other religious institutions .
e) To do all other charitable, educational, humanitarian and relief works.

4. That the board of trustees of the dharmarajika Trust Foundation will open a Fixed Deposit (FDR) accounts in the bank out of the funds received and interest received out of this fixed deposit account will be transferred to the savings account and from this savings account the money will be withdrawn whenever necessary at the proposal of the board of Trustees.

5. That the Board of Trustees may pay out such education, foods , health, care and welfare of orphan children of Dharmarajika Orphanage and maintenance of building facilities,staff salaries and establishment cost. And stipends and scholarships on such terms and conditions as they deem fit or as may commensurate with the income of the said trust.

6. That the board of trustees shall manage the trust property or the subject matter of the trust economically and diligently and honestly.

7. That the Board of Trustees shall allot such fund to help the orphan children of dharmarajika and the poor and meritorious students for educational purposes and grant scholarship or stipends or stipends or simple grants every year to such students of a school,college and university. And such other institution of such areas to be determined by the Author in consultation with the Trustees of Board of trust.

8. That the trustee must not for himself or another set up and or aid any title to the trust property adverse to the interest of the beneficiary.

9. That if any vacancy arises on account of death,Incapacity or persistent neglect of the trustee the vacancy shall be filled up according to the direction of the author of the trust or the majority decision of the board of trustees to keep the line of succession running.

10. That the author of the trust may at any time or times hereafter by any deed or deeds or by will appoint such new or other trustees.

11. That the trustees shall always maintain a reputation of being highly professional in their approach while performaing their duties.

12. That the trustees shall have powers to arrange run and administer the trust property in accordance with the provision of this deed and the trust Act.

13. That if the Trust money can not be applied immediately or of an early date to the purpose of the trust. The trustee shall be bound ( subject to the direction contained in the instrument of trust) to invest the money on the following:-
a) Securities,
b) Government Debentures.
c) Bank or financial institution,
d) Any other securities of the Government of Bangladesh.

14. That the accounts of the Foundation shall be maintained in strict procedure to be laid down by the Member Secretary of the Trust Foundation and the same may be audited by a recognized chartered Firm for transparency of the Trust Foundation.

15. That the number of trustees will not be more than 7 (seven) and the trustees may without defeating the objects of the Trust, make amendment to any provision of the trust deed with their majority decision /consent of the author of the trust.

16. That the trustees will have power to arrange,run and administer the trust fund and property in accordance with the provisions of this deed and trust Act.

17. That the trust Act shall apply in respect of investment and management as far it is not covered by this deed.

18. That the chairman and Member Secretary of the Trust Foundation are authorized to receive funds or donations from the generous persons of Home and Abroad and the funds may be increased other than daily or weekly offerings from the Temple or place(s)of worships.

19. That in case of death of any trustee the living trustee with the consent of Author of the Foundation may appoint any eligible member as trustee to keep the line of succession running. In case of expiry or disability of the Author of the Trust Foundation, the president of the Bangladesh Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sabgha may take the responsibility of Author of the Foundation.

20. In case of any allegation or offence or corruption or physical infirmly against any Trustee during the period of his tenure is found, may be removed from the post with the majority decision of the other Trustees along with consent of the Author of the Trust Foundation.

21. Amongst the trustees any member may be treated as Member Secretary of the trust Foundation to manage and disburse the fund with the majority decision of the trustees.

22. That any schedule bank of Bangladesh may be selected for opening bank account in the name of “Dharmarajika Trust Foundation” to deposit the funds and disburse the same by Chairman and Member Secretary of the Trust Foundation with the prior permission of other Trustees by a resolutions.

23. That the trustees may held meeting for collecting funds from all members, devotees, laities , monks, domestic, and foreign visitors, Government and private sources , charitable persons of the country or from foreign donors to grow-up the funds of the Trust Foundation.

24. That the Trustees may prepare an Annual budget according to every financial year with 30th june for yearly income and expenditure of the Trust Foundation.

25. That the trust Foundation may held at least 2 or 3meetings annually for smooth running of the Trust Foundation.

26. That the Trust Foundation shall be registered from concerned Government registration office in accordance with standing government regulations and approval.s