Overview of Programs
Dharmarajika Nikkyo Niwano Clinic:
The Dharmarajika Nikkyo Niwano Clinic was established in 1978 and
formally inaugurated by the Prime Minister of the Government in
September 1996. It is situated on the premises of the Monastery
complex between the schools and the boys dormitories.
This clinic represents a non-profit voluntary socio-medical service
organization that is registered and licensed with the Ministry of
social Welfare under the "Welfare under Society Act". The clinic
also subscribes to the ULMA-ATA declaration made by WHO and UNICEF
for achieving "Health for all by the year 2000".
The building for this clinic comprises a two-storied structure with
the capacity and facility for running a 25-bed hospital. The
importance of this clinic and is that it is located between 30 and
60 minutes away from the nearest medical center. Thus, it provides a
strategic location for those seeking services in an undeserved area.
The staff presently working at the clinic includes; two doctors, two
nurses, an administrative officer and 4 ward personnel. There is
also one nurse who is on-call 24 hours a day.
At present, the clinic is being run on an outpatient basis. In
addition to providing medical care for the orphans, this facility is
open to the surrounding community from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., seven days
per week. The services offered include:- general curative,
pediatrics, and obstetrics/gynecology (Fridays). In the future, the
Monastery hopes to expand the clinic to include more sophisticated
services such as ultrasound and x-ray (the clinic has a machine but
it is presently in need or repair). We are also considering
providing limited inpatient services. This plan, however, will only
be considered after the clinic has become more self-reliant.
To cover some of the recurrent costs, fees are paid by the patients
on a sliding scale – those who are willing and able to pay are
charged the full amount, while those who are unable to pay are given
the service free. The registration card is sold to each client at
Future plans:
In an effort to reduce the financial burden of running an outpatient
clinic, the Monastery is looking at different options, including:-
• Developing a revolving drug fund that will provide medicines at a
rate that is below the market price. The idea is to receive one
large consignment of drugs, and then to sell them at a reduced
price, thus using this revenue to maintain the stock levels. This
will help the clinic to become more sustainable;
• Getting NGO's in the area to use the clinic as a referral site for
different services: immunization, treatment of acute respiratory
infections and diahreal diseases, etc. As part of this arrangement,
we would request that the NGO help us with some minimal resources to
cover the cost of these services;
• Developing an adolescent support program that would allow a
donor/NGO to use the Dharmarajika Complex to address the needs of
the adolescent populations. With nearly 30 million adolescents in
Bangladesh, this particular population group is receiving more
attention from potential donors. We feel that we can develop an
integrated health program for this target group for which resources
could be sought;
• Developing our ability to provide more sophisticated services (lab
tests, X-ray, ultrasound) so that these could be provided at a
higher rate to help subsidize the other services offered by the
clinic. This cross subsidization would help the clinic to become
more self-reliant; and
• Continuing to seek donor support from organizations that feel that
the work we are doing is important and worth investing in. Once
again, we would welcome either large or small grants from interested
groups – any amount would be greatly appreciated.